I Quit!

You guys ever have one (or several) of these days? You are overwhelmed, overworked and over it all. The thought of quitting your job, your activities, saving the world or whatever it is that’s gnawing at your insides sounds amazing?
Yeah, me, too. Guess what? I got up the courage and QUIT those things last week.
It was scary, refreshing and made me giddy at the same time. I felt like I took a deep, relaxing breath for the first time in months. That’s how I knew it was the right choice.
Now I get to take back my life. I’ll spend time with family, be very selective about what activities I want to participate in, and relax. Heck, I might even start AND finish a book!
The best part? I’ll pay more attention to you, my friends! I’ll be posting more awesome content on a regular basis.
Time to confess…
Have you ever wanted to quit anything? Did you quit anything?