Doing ALL THE THINGS in 2017

Who made New Year’s resolutions? Me, me, me! The list is a good combination of pushing myself to achieve more career-wise and family-wise without overdoing it and ending up downing Xanax with a wine chaser.

1. Learn to knit
I’m not crafty, but this is a skill I’ve been wanting to learn to years. I have needles and yarn, but lack an experienced instructor. Added bonus- I’m left handed, which makes it difficult for people to teach me lots of stuff (i.e. throwing a ball, cutting with scissors, writing).

2. Enroll each kid in an after school activity
Christmas Break broke me. The energy level of my children amazes me. I need to treat my kids like pets and exercise and bathe them more. Each child needs an activity that will let them use their mind or body. I’d prefer my son’s activity to include lots of running because that child is crazy energetic.

3. Meal Plan
I used to adore cooking, but now I tolerate it. Maybe it’s because I make a separate meal for my kids nightly. It’s tiring and everyone complains no matter what I fix, so I might as well fix one meal. I’ll go back to the basic meat, veggie and starch combo. Bam! Meal planning done for the year!

4. Read 20 Books
I’m not talking Curious George books, but grown-up books. I’ll admit my main genre is Young Adult, but I promise I’ll throw in a few serious books and maybe a classic or two. To become a better writer you should always be reading. At least that’s what they say. Good thing “they” don’t specify what you should be reading because I tried reading Faulkner’s “As I Lay Dying” and couldn’t get past the second chapter. Snooze.

5. Attend a Writing Seminar/Conference
This is a big one for me. Writing has been something I’ve done quietly in the background of my life off and on for years. I felt like it was never an attainable job because writing isn’t a well-paying career path. Now that I’m not working I can focus on something for me while kids are in school. I want to improve and hone my writing skills.

6. Write Daily
I need to write regularly to improve my skills. My goal is to post on a regular basis, as well as write articles in hopes of having a few pieces published. I have a professional freelance website in the works to achieve this goal. This blog will also receive a facelift in the next month or so.

7. Try Something New
I’ve fallen into a nice yet boring routine with several areas of my life. While it’s comforting at times, it also makes me antsy. Life is passing me by while I binge watch Sons of Anarchy. I’m ready for new and exciting things! In small increments! Maybe a cooking class, snowshoeing or eating a steak again since I haven’t touched one in 20+ years.

I’ll periodically post my progress. Stay tuned to find out if I can be part of the tiny percentage of people who follow through on their resolutions.
Did you make any resolutions? Share them below.

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