Update on Resolutions

I feel ya Brit. I’m frazzled, too.

It’s February. The excitement from the New Year is wearing off. People are dropping their resolutions faster than me pouring a drink once its happy hour. People are in a funk because the holidays have passed and we’re left with gloomy winter weather with nothing to look forward to besides more cold and rain/snow.

My motivation is waning, too. I’m slipping into my winter depression. Guess it’s time to bust out the suns light lamp and double my Vitamin D. Here’s what’s happened so far with my resolutions:

1. Learn to knit
I joined a Facebook knitting group. I’ve attended one “stitch n bitch” session. The ladies varied in age from early 30s to 70s, which was great. They showed me the basics of knitting while we chatted over coffee.  I’m realizing this is a really tough craft to learn and I’m not sure I’ll make it or enjoy it as much as I anticipated. But I’ll keep chugging ahead for a couple months.

2. Enroll each kid in an after school activity
Both kids have been attending swim lessons since January. My son is enrolled in a beginning soccer class. It’s hilarious to watch 3-4 year olds try to kick a ball. My daughter has bi-weekly Girl Scout meetings.
So, that’s two weeks/month that we have after school activities 3 x week. The other weeks we have activities 2 x week.
I don’t like after school activities. My day starts at 5:30am. By 6pm the last thing I want to do is load up my kids and run across town. By the time we get home everyone is hungry and pissed off. How do parents do this? What about homework? Dinner? Baths?

3. Meal Plan
Meals are planned 3-4 nights/week most every week. It’s a vast improvement over last year. I’m sticking with basics for now, but want to expand the kids palette…which means lots of crying and complaining about not liking what I fix for dinner. So, sometimes, my dinner is a glass of wine lightly salted by my tears of frustration.

4. Read 20 Books
I’ve read one book. It was an easy read, but I’m stalling on picking another one. I go through phases with reading and right now I’m in a “I want to watch trash tv instead of read” phase. I”ll push myself to pick another book this weekend. It might even be a classic or classically trashy.

5. Attend a Writing Seminar/Conference
Looked at a few in Europe. Had daydreams of writing while overlooking the Thames River or dipping my feet in the Mediterranean Sea, but realized I would never come home.
I need to look for local-ish or online conferences.

6. Write Daily
I need this. I want this. But I’m only managing to write a few times a week. The guilt of not writing daily is crushing my spirit. Gah, need to prioritize.

7. Try Something New
Really? I can’t even follow through on the list above. How do I find time to add something new? Nothing has really caught my eye to try, either.

I’ll keep moving ahead with my resolutions and hope that posting my results with motivate me. Or something with motivate me!